90 minutes Filming
Theory Session
The structured surf is applicable only for surfers comfortable paddling out and negotiating the lineup with good etiquette on a given day. With your coach, you will set drills before the session and work towards achieving them.
This entire session will be recorded on film and through the analysis of this, your coach will then deliver a personalised theory that is centred around helping you achieve the goals set that you were unable to achieve. This could be anything from technique adjustment through land drills and exercises, work done in the controlled environment of the pool, or video analysis of your surfing and model surfers. The theory for you will be the most applicable for helping you achieve your goals and you will be left with some homework whether you are a beginner or competitive surfer.
You will receive all your HD footage before the session and we thoroughly recommend that you review it yourself before theory so that you have your own conclusions and discussion points to enhance the learning process.
Theory Session
All Levels
Please contact us beforehand so you can coordinate with your coach and set drills before you have your surf sessions recorded.Once you send us your footage your coach will then deliver a personalised theory that is centred around helping you achieve the goals set that you were unable to achieve. This could be anything from technique adjustment through land drills and exercises, work done in the controlled environment of the pool, or video analysis of your surfing and model surfers. The theory for you will be the most applicable for helping you achieve your goals and you will be left with some homework whether you are a beginner or competitive surfer.